After haggling with her fathers insurance company, the settlement amount wasn’t quite enough for a true replacement vehicle. Vehicles that my wife and I looked at (used) were over valued for their mileage and lack of maintenance.
I then decided that I should look at VW fixers. They always had been popular for their simplicity and ease of maintenance. I decided I would look for a diesel as economic reports from the summer of 1999 indicated a possible fuel shortage for the summer of 2000. Remembering the gas shortages (or should I say, the oil industries self imposed shortages) of the 1970’s, I decided that I could possibly brew my own biodiesel if push came to shove.
After looking at several VW diesels in the early 1980’s vintage (which I still thought were over priced*), I found a non running Golf NA. The engine cranked and the body was in fairly good shape. I told the owner, when he got it running to give me a call.
Several months passed and I noticed this same vehicle in the trade paper again for a considerably reduced price. After calling the owner again, he told me that he couldn’t get it running. We struck a deal for $150 over the phone and the car was mine.
These web pages will be updated continuously with the progress of my project car.
* Here in Southern California, there must be a lot of pride in ones vehicle. Used cars that are 10 years old still command prices of close to $10,000. Cars I would not even offer $2,000 for. Some of these cars are still for sale almost a year later, listed for the same asking prices.
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Last updated: 18 April 2011